
  1. How do you create a paragraph in HTML? Use the <p> element to create a paragraph. html Code: <p>This is a paragraph.</p>

  2. How do u create heading in HTML ? Use the <h1> to <h6> elements for headings, where <h1> is the largest and <h6> is the smallest. Code: <h1>This is a Heading 1</h1>

  3. What element should you use to make text bold and important? Use the <strong> element to make text bold and indicate importance. Code: <strong>This is bold text.```</strong>``

  4. What element should you use to make text italicized to add emphasis to it? Use the <em> element to make text italicized and add emphasis. Code: <em> This is italicized text </em>

  5. What relationship does an element have with any nested elements within it? The outer element is the parent, and the inner elements are the children. The relationship is hierarchical. Code: ```

This paragraph is a child of the div.

6. What relationship do two elements have if they are at the same level of nesting?
If two elements are at the same level of nesting, they are siblings.

This is a sibling paragraph.

Another sibling paragraph.


  1. How do you create HTML comments? <!-- This is a comment in HTML -->